Знайсці шахматны клуб

Dzięki temu klubowi będziemy mogli organizować turnieje dla społeczności szachoWArszawa. 
Hanya anggota grup kopi yang bisa ikut gabung
France-Deutschland Group
Bienvenue dans un des plus forts clubs sur chess.com! Ce club exprime l'amitié franco-allemande. Nous aimons la bonne humeur, nous sommes ...
4 034
Team Croatia
Dobrodošli u Team Croatia! Ovo je grupa koja predstavlja Hrvatsku na Chess.com natjecanjima u Europskoj ligi, Svjetskoj ligi i Svjetskoj lig...
1 081
We are looking for players from Edinburgh East Lothian, Midlothian, West Lothian and the eastern border regions, so anyone from, living in, with ...
The End Times Generation
If you are a Christian, looking for hope in this tarnished generation, please apply to join!! Jesus loves you! (: When applying to join, please sh...
Team México
¡Juega por México! Team México es el equipo que representa a nuestro país en chess.com, registrado para competir en la Liga Mundial en las modalid...
3 059
체스닷컴에서 가장 약한 무료 봇, 마틴(Martin)을 아시나요? 이 클럽은 마틴을 보호하는 클럽입니다. 지금까지 마틴은 단지 약하다는 이유만으로 여러 챌린지의 대상이 되거나, 사람들에게 처참하게 패배하는 등 엄청난 모욕을 당했습니다. 몇몇 사람들은 마틴에게 엄청...
Hello Everyone! Welcome to our club  ''INDIAWALE''  where there is no discrimination between any players. Whether he/she is beginner or g...
Our Goal Is to Create a fun , safe and fair environment for all chess learners to enjoy the game
Team Buenos Aires
https://www.chess.com/club/matches/team-buenos-aires/1503707Team Buenos Aires, es un equipo para ajedrecistas que viven en la Provincia o en la Ciu...
Lile Koridze fan club
Hello everyone,welcome in my fan club  Here you will be able to play in tournaments which I will create.  Watch me in live: https://www.twitch.tv/...
2 244
Chess University - Ukraine
Chess University Affiliate Club for residents of Ukraine who wish to improve at chess. This club serves to help the local chess community organize ...
3 473
For people who love legos. If you do join!!!
The Knight's Chess Club
Welcome to The Knight's club!
Rockville Chess Club
Welcome to the Rockville Chess Club (RCC).  The RCC is open to everyone who lives in the DMV area that wants to play in a fun and relaxed environme...
Nandos Chess Club
A club for all chess enthusiasts- Birthed @Nando’s The Plaza
The Indian Empire
Hello, You are cordially invited to The Indian Empire! (T.I.E) Enter the Indian Empire who the emperor is joshveem a person so great he founded...
GM Ben Finegold Club
The official Chess.com club for fans of GM Ben Finegold. Follow Ben and his wife Karen as they play and study chess on twitch at: twitch.tv/itsbe...
17 361
Pin Oak Chess Club
Welcome to the Pin Oak Chess Club! We will hold live matches and live tournaments for the students of Pin Oak. To join, please send a request telli...
Chess Friends for Friends
Chess Friends for Friends is an online chess group for chess addicts. We do play thematic and open tournaments, feel free to join and to have fun. ...
5 728
Kent Checkmates
The Kent Checkmates welcome all players from Kent or with a connection to the county. We play daily matches in the UK and Ireland County Championsh...
Pawns Of Chess
         HELLO! This is a pawnchess fan-club. well, not really fan club but yea Join if you like pawns! Welcome to Pa...