Troba un club d'escacs

Arabic National Team
                                  مرحبًا بكم في النادي العرب...
체스닷컴에서 가장 약한 무료 봇, 마틴(Martin)을 아시나요? 이 클럽은 마틴을 보호하는 클럽입니다. 지금까지 마틴은 단지 약하다는 이유만으로 여러 챌린지의 대상이 되거나, 사람들에게 처참하게 패배하는 등 엄청난 모욕을 당했습니다. 몇몇 사람들은 마틴에게 엄청...
The New Vizeist Empire
Welcome to Vizeism, comrades. I am your emperor, Emperor Renov Ivanovich Vizein. I was a leader in the original Vizeist Empire, which has since col...
The Monarch Butterflies
Hi, we are The Monarch Butterflies! If you like butterflies or just nature in general, we are the club for you! We may be a small club, but we will...
Enjoying a Wonderfultime
Join GM Minh Le for some viewers arena and having fun! 
Hello! 🌸  I invite you in club "Sakura" We play in tournaments, daily matches and vote chess. Join us and have fun 😇🌸
Waltham Chess Club - Bughouse Invitational Festival
This is the Club for the Bughouse Invitational Festival put together by the online player community of Waltham Chess Club.
The5ers Chess Club!
Psycho chess
Join the psycho chess ♟️ club to improve your game there is tournament on every weekend which helps you lot to improve your game to join the psycho...
Cornhusker Chess Club
The Cornhusker Chess Club is home to the Virtual Chess Tournament series, which utilizes a divisional round-robin format followed by a double-elimi...
각종 이벤트 클럽
각종 재밌는 이벤트를 주로 하는 클럽입니다. 이 클럽에서는 모든 분들께 담당자 권한을 드리며, 활동을 많이 하시면 관리자 권한을 드립니다.
Inter Miami CF and Messi Fan Club
Welcome to the Official Inter Miami C.F. YouTube. Hello, we are reinforcing all the lines of play at all levels of our Club and you were chosen, al...
TGC Club Giveway Two
Welcome to the first ever TGC (The Game Changers) 100 member club giveway! You may be wondering: what is a club giveway? How do I participate? Do I...
white devil team
 white devil team club rules :  français: english :
Chess Universe
Welcome to Chess Universe! This enthusiastic club is happy to have you join our community. Despite our activity, which is rather standard for large...
단편소설 클럽
단편소설을 직접 만들어 모두한테 공개하는 클럽입니다!
US Team Chess League
This is a group dedicated to managing the US Team Chess League, which is an interstate competition - between US State or Canadian Province teams. ...
Sunset City
Hello and welcome to my club, Sunset City.  I am @R-P-S-R (the owner), but you can call me Julia if you like (A shout-out to @Irene for making the...
Chess University - Colombia
Chess University Affiliate Club para los residentes de Colombia que desean mejorar en el ajedrez. Este club sirve para ayudar a la comunidad de aje...
Nairobi Chess Club
We are the oldest chess club in Kenya having been registered on 26th February 1958. We meet every Saturday afternoon from 2pm at the Goan Gymkhan...
Queens and Knight
Welcome to Queens and Knights, a dynamic chess club where players of all levels come together to celebrate the art and strategy of chess. Whether...