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Ciudad de México
Este grupo es para todos aquellos nacidos y/o residentes de la Ciudad de México. Actualmente este grupo participa en los siguientes torneos:...
1 090
Are you a big Calvin and Hobbes fan, and you've always wanted to join the G.R.O.S.S. club, but couldn't? Well, now you can! Even if you just like...
The Ultimate Training Center
Welcome to The Ultimate Training Center! We are a great group for those who would like to improve their chess. We put a lot of effort into our Vote...
Earthlings United
  The Earthlings United invites you to become a member of our team for players of all ratings from all over the world.  We participa...
Kasparov Chess Club
Kasparov Chess Club is a group for fans of the former world champion, Garry Kasparov.  KCC is an award winning group and membership is now o...
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Livingston County Chess Club
Our chess club, http://livingstoncountychessclub.blogspot.com/
Team Japan
このグループは日本に住んでいる人、または日本と強い関係のある人のためのチームです。日本の代表として、他のチームと対戦し、一緒にチェスを楽しみましょう。This is a group for people living in or having a strong connection to Ja...
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gümüş ligi ve üstü üst yönetici olurmükemmel bir kulüp olacak
The Anime and Manga Society
If you like anime, this is the place for you! We love to be competitive, and are very active. So please join now and help this club advance!
CSV online - Circolo Scacchistico Vercellese online
Pagina uffiiciale del Circolo Scacchistico Vecrellese creata per permettere ai soci del circolo di incontrarsi anche online. L'applicazione al cl...
The Cool Chess Inventors
The Chess Stars is a club where people get to socialize and make friends. It is also a place where you can learn to be better at Chess and und...
Wallyjack's Elite Alliance of Chess Zealots
THE GREAT SOUTHERN LAND Hello my friends, This is a mighty club that has loyal and successful members which will be all the stronger with your ...
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Romkachess's Fun club
Welcome to the Romka’s Club!  Join our community here on chess.com to take part of on-stream events and more streamed on https://www.twitch.tv/romk...
Roosevelt Chess Club
Roosevelt Elementary Chess Club
LIFE 2025
Club chess.com dédié aux qualifications de la Ligue Ingénieure Française d'Echecs 2025.Plus d'informations ici : http:/...
Astronomy club for space
  Explore the cosmos and master the game of kings! The Astronomy Chess Club Online brings together enthusiasts of the stars and strategy. Wh...
Anime Chat Club
Hello, We invite you to Anime Chat Team! invite 30 you'll be ADMIN! Invite 50 you'll be SUPER ADMIN! Thanks!  
Africa Chess Group
Africa Chess Group: The official representative of the World Leagues Championships. has agreed to work on the new application if you want to find o...
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South Dakota Chess
The South Dakota Chess group is for residents of The Rushmore State who love to learn & play chess. We love to play as a team or as individuals...
Team Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe arise.. #ThisFlag Zimbabwe, a landlocked country in Southern Africa, is bordered by Zambia to the northwest, Mozambique to the east, Sout...
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Ajedrez en Español
Ajedrez en Español nace con la intención de reunir en un mismo equipo a todos los usuarios de Chess.com que utilizan el español para comunicarse. E...
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Newcastle United FC
Welcome to the Official YouTube channel of  Newcastle United FC.Premier League 2024-25 : We invite you to participate in chess games of all ki...