Sakk klub keresése

Girl's Storm House
Raquel founded this club with me on January 24, 2023. If you're a woman over 18, courageous, a warrior in life and in chess, come and join us to pl...
1 824
Yemen Chess Team
Yemen Chess Team: The official representative of The World League Championship. Are you interested in learning how to play chess? Would you like to...
Long Live Palestine
Do not hesitate to join the club with those who love Palestine and support the life of Palestine and stop the war #FREE PALESTINA (Please join) &nb...
Friends Uniting Against Mental Illness Chess Club
Welcome to the Friends Uniting against Mental Illness Chess Club. Mental Health affects millions of people worldwide and our goal is to spread as...
Hallo Sannu سلام Hɛlo Aloha pershendetje שלום Cześć ሀሎ नमस्ते Olá مرحبًا Nyob zoo ਸਤ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਅਕਾਲ Ողջույն Helló Allinllachu নমস্কাৰ Hall...
Romkachess's Fun club
Welcome to the Romka’s Club!  Join our community here on to take part of on-stream events and more streamed on
Roblox guys
Hello, Welcome to Roblox Guys! This is the biggest roblox Community on! Join If you Like roblox and want to Talk with similar people! A...
Rob's USCF Tournaments Club
A Club of those invited interested in USCF online rated chess, if you want to join the club, you must be A united states chess federation member. ...
Clube de Xadrez Brasil - CXBr
Somos um clube brasileiro! Temos torneios ao vivo, xadrez por votação com muita interação entre os membros, torneios ...
7 450
Team Kazakhstan
    Вступить в команду(Форма регистрации) Team Kazakhstan командасына қош келдіңіз!  Біз блиц, рапид және бірнеше күнді...
1 216
Anáhuac Oaxaca
Club de clases de ajedrez de la Universidad Anáhuac Oaxaca
Wellington Chess Club
Wellington Chess Club now meets every Thursday at 7:30. All welcome. Casual games and nationally rated tournaments. 17 Tinakori Road, Thorndon, W...
University of Waterloo
The official group for the University of Waterloo
2 586
대화 클럽
체스닷컴 한국 회원들끼리 잡담을 나누는 클럽입니다. 체스 이외의 얘기도 가능합니다.
Blox Fruits fan club
If you like to play Blox Fruits or like to eat fruits please join! It would help us alot! Goal: Our goal is to get 100 members so please join!
Sahovska sekcija TQM Aradac
Pozivamo Vas da se učlanite u Šahovski klub Saveza Šahovske sekcije TKM Centra! To je mesto gde se okupljaju ljubitelji šaha d...
шахматен  супер клуб
The African Wild Dogs of Chess -TAWDoC-
Join if you like African wild dogs!!! Or dogs.    
Fairmont Anaheim Hills MS Chess Elective
Welcome to the Fairmont Chess Elective! This club is dedicated to fostering a love for chess in students of all skill levels. Whether you're just l...
Hi, there. Please join this club, since I am forced to get this club to 400 members and transfer the club ownership to Eren. Well Viroh says 40...