
Hello there. 🙂 

My name is DKMarioPacman. You may call me that, DKMario, DK, whatever you prefer. 😉 My "About Me" is incomplete, so I'll update it whenever I can.

Before I tell you about myself, let me get 5 things out of the way. 😐

First, let me tell you that my "About Me" is Extremely and Incredibly LONG. If you need to read my "About Me" here and there a little, please take your time and read through it at your own pace. 😉

Second, let me finish my status as I can only fit so many characters in there.

Active Monday through Friday. I have good character irl and online in the cyber world. I have autism. All I ask is that you be nice and respectful towards me. I try to follow the Golden Rule follow the Community Guidelines on If you make me furious and get on my bad side, I'll give you the silent treatment for a certain period of time, depending on the circumstances of the situation and how many infractions made me get on my bad side. Future infractions can and will result in a block and/or report against you for a certain period of time.  Repeated blocks and/or reports can and will increase the period of time that you'll be blocked. You've been warned. 😐

Oh! And don't stab me in the back either. And watch your profanity. Those 2 things are very disrespectful towards me and I don't take kindly to them. 

Thirdly, if you'd like to play a game of Standard Chess with me there are 4 conditions: A. Dm me a possible time and date ahead of time because I won't do anything on such short notice. Everyone has a life outside of (The only exception to this is IF both myself and the recipient are online simultaneously and if I have free time in the evenings). B. Set up a backup date and time ASAP in case the original scheduled planned game falls apart. C. Be my friend here on D. Reschedule Chess games with me ASAP if things don't work out.

And Forthly, I need more friends on my Nintendo Switch Friend List. 😐 If you are interested, just send me a Dm and we'll go from there. 🙂

And lastly... My bio here on is 100. %. Honestly. Truthful. Not going to lie. Lying is a bad habit, okay? You may lie on the Internet. But... You cannot lie to God. 👆👆👆👆👆 HE knows everything that's happened in the past, is happening in the present, and will happen in the future.

With that out of the way, let me tell you about myself. Please note that my "About Me" is incomplete on But I'm adding and tweaking it a little bit when I have time.

I have high functioning autism and have many talents, including Chess. I am legally blind in my right eye and currently have a prosthetic eye in my left.

I started playing Chess when I was about 9, taught by my father. He was good at Chess, but I am WAY better at Chess than he is. I don't remember the previous time that he beat me in a game of Chess. Almost 10 years ago, I bought Chess 4 a.k.a. 4-Player Chess. My very first game of Chess 4 was against none other than my father. It was an extremely close game, with my 1 smart move that won me the game. I am now in my early 30s. I joined on 8/10/24.

I won a 2nd place overall Chess Trophy in middle school. In high school, NONE of the students could beat me while I attended there.

I don't do Bullet or Blitz Chess. I am fine with Rapid Chess. My ELO on Rapid is between 700-750. As for my Skill level, I'm an Advanced Chess player.

My goal in Chess is to keep improving my ELO on Rapid Chess. Over the years of playing Chess as a hobby, I've collected quite a few books on Chess.

Since the year of 2011 in the month of either August or September, I got into telling jokes. I always get asked frequently where I come up with such good jokes, as well as "How did you come up with that joke?" It brings me joy when I get to tell people my jokes because I've collected thousands of jokes over the years. I'll even make up jokes once in a while that no one could've done themselves.

These are the following about my favorites when it comes to Chess:

Favorite Chess Sets I currently own: Wizard Chess, and Chess 4.

Favorite Chess Sets I Want: ChessUp2, Miko Square Grand Kingdom, Chessnut Evo, and Star Wars Chess Set (From Episode IV A New Hope).

Favorite Chess YouTubers: AnnaCramling, GothamChess, JourneyToGrandmaster, Remote Chess Acadamy, and Chess Thugs.

Favorite Chess Websites:, Chesscomshop, and chess kids (once a month on that).

Favorite Things To Do On Matches, Clubs, Lessons, Puzzles, Making Friends, Being Active, Chatting with my online friends, and Most Importantly... Having Fun.

Favorite Things To Do On Chesscomshop: Browse For Shopping Products That I Might Be Interested In Buying.

Favorite Strategy: Top Secret (So don't ask until after I either: 1. Get a Chess Title on my Profile Pic, 2. I reach 10k followers on my Profile.

Favorite World Chess Champion: Garry Kasparov, with Magnus Carlsen and Bobby Fischer tied for runner-ups.

World Chess Champions in history (heard of): My favorites, as mentioned above. Others include Steintz, Alekhine, Short, Tal, Korchnoi, and Kramnik.

Favorite Chess Computers (Technically Engines): Stockfish, Shredder, Chessmaster, Thinking Machine 6, and Deep Blue.

My talents: Swimming, Singing, Telling Jokes,  Sudoku, Piano,  running / jogging, Video Games, Reading, Researching, Chess.

My hobbies: Obviously my talents, Dukes Of Hazard, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Doing voice impressions (i.e. Harry Potter characters and Star Wars characters), Sleeping / Napping ( With my eyes open, lol), Video Games, Chess ( included), Singing, Air Guitaring, Writing Song Parodies, playing piano, Jurassic Park / World.

Favorite Non-Chess Websites: Facebook (under my old email.)  YouTube, (I've 2 accounts under my old email and  one account with NO uploaded videos yet on my current email) Noteflight, (Under my old e-mail and current email)., (No account yet) Amazon, (No account yet) NinSheetMusic, (Under my old email) Musicnotes, (No account yet) Wikipedia, (No account yet) and Gmail (my old and current email address location).

My dream job career aptitudes: Content Creator / Video Game Pianist.

My dream job career aspirations: Chess Streamer / Content Creator, Video Game Pianist, and Gamer / Content Creator.

Favorite Video Game Console: Nintendo Switch.

Favorite Video Game Franchises: Pokemon (Currently retired), Super Mario, Donkey Kong Country, Pacman, Guitar Hero / Rock Band.

Favorite Video Game Genres: Adventure, RPG, Racing, Hunting, Puzzles, and Simulation, and Arcade.

If you'd like for me to give you a shoutout here, just DM me. Otherwise I'll ask for your permission.


@GSOHammy: We had A big misunderstanding at first. Luckily, me and her worked it out. She and I have some things incommon. She is a really good friend. 😊

Digital OR Analog? Digital

12 OR 24 HR Time? 24 HR Time. (Who doesn't like Army Time? XD)

Giggler or Chuckler? I'm mostly a Giggler.