Atrodi šaha klubu

Campionato Italiano a Squadre
Tutto quello che c'è da sapere sul Campionato Italiano a Squadre.
ŠK Sarajevo
Chess Club Sarajevo, as the oldest chess club in Bosnia and Herzegovina, was founded in 1904. Currently, there are over 70 active in-person club me...
Tactical Titans United
Hi! 🤗 Thanks for coming to our homepage! We may be a private club, but we have that on setting since we look out for sabotagers. Let's not forget w...
Federació Catalana d'Escacs
Aquest és el club oficial de la Federació Catalana d’Escacs (FCE), on podràs participar en diferents torneigs dirigits als nostres afiliats i als n...
1 440
Our Party Club
Welcome to our party club! This club is where you can discuss anything you want, and have fun, while making new friends! 😁 (I am NOT holding a gu...
The Chess Stars is a club where people get to socialize and make friends. It is also a place where you can learn to be better at Chess and und...
Team Zambia
This is the group representing '' ZAMBIA '' in the World League. It is for all those who would like to participate in World League Match ...
2 136
The Club of Debate and Discussion
Hello, and welcome to this club! Let me show you around. We are a growing club which is determined to change the future of We are a soci...
Team Latvia
Šīs grupas mērķis ir piedalīties Pasaules Līgas (World League) un Eiropas Līgas (European League) mačos gan klasiskajā formātā, gan Chess960...
1 410
Team  Algeria
   أكبر نادي شطرنج جزائري أكبر تجمع للاعبي الشطرنج الجزائريين، مع بطولات وتحديات منتظمة لتحسين المهارات والاستمتاع باللعبة. النادي...
11 855
Avoy's VIP Club
Klub podtrzymujący tradycję corocznych turniejów świątecznych pod sztandarem szkół ŻAGLE oraz wawerskiej WSR. Organizujemy comiesięcz...
Bretagne Echecs
Bienvenue aux bretons et amoureux de la Bretagne.  
Bean Dip Chess Club
Chess and beans.
Team Italia
Benvenuto nel Team Italia… Dal 2007 il Team Italia rappresenta ufficialmente la Repubblica Italiana nelle competizioni Nazionali ed Internazionali...
5 473
Schachfreunde Sachsen
    Die Schachfreunde Sachsen sind ein Club  FÜR ALLE   die hier geboren sind, hier leben, lieben oder...
The 7even Warriors
The official representative of the World Leagues Championships.  The club welcomes all chess fans from all over the world. - Are ...
1 098
Team Buenos Aires Buenos Aires, es un equipo para ajedrecistas que viven en la Provincia o en la Ciu...
The Pokéchess Club
       Welcome to The Pokéchess Club Invite.!! A fun chess club Dedicated to pokémon where all pokémon...
Columbia SC Chess Club
COLUMBIA CHESS CLUB Columbia Chess Club 6169 St Andrews Rd Columbia SC 29212   Website: Disco...
Team Japan
このグループは日本に住んでいる人、または日本と強い関係のある人のためのチームです。日本の代表として、他のチームと対戦し、一緒にチェスを楽しみましょう。This is a group for people living in or having a strong connection to Ja...
3 876
This is a group for all Ohioans , past or present. if you have a relative or friend from the great state of Ohio let them know .We play vote chess ...
Anna Muzychuk Fan Club
Anna Muzychuk (born February 28, 1990) is a Ukrainian chess grandmaster. She is the fourth woman, after Judit Polgar, Humpy Koneru and Hou Yifan, t...
Wolf And Cats Gang
Hello, I invite you to join Wolf And Cats Gang! A place where you will have peace! So, what are you waiting for? Join now! Thanks!
The Chess Knight Riders
                             🏰 Join the Chess Knight Riders! ♟️ Gree...