With good volition, strong belief , persistent work, my experience and your talent, only the sky is our limit. I offer personalized...
Welcome everybody! I'm Grigoriants Sergey, International Grandmaster, a professional player, and coach. I am available...
Hi everybody!I'm Miragha Aghayev, a International Master (IM) from Italy.It's now 14 years since I decided to use my activity as a...
Creador de contenido de Ajedrez Twitch: http://twitch.tv/ajedrez Maestro FIDE y entrenador de ajedrez. Editor y director de Capakhine,...
Check out my Opposited-colored Bishops Course! My Classical English Opening Course is out! Take a look!
Originate from Dundee, Scotland and have been in Jersey since 2006 and still enjoy some online chess!