Stats! Yay!LIKES: School (no, really!), music in general, Net surfing, YTing, playing chess, drawing, making videosLOVES: Rock 'n' roll, playing guitar, animals, singing (my mom loves to sing the blues, and she's TRULY the best singer out there!), reading, writing, playing pianoADORES: My family! I know teens are supposed to be all...rebellious and that, but how can you rebel against people who are always there for you?HATES: Rap, most modern pop, attempting to play sports, attempting to dance, uh...that damned SOULJA BOY!!!FAVORITE MOVIE: Hmmm...can't decide. The Monty Python films and This is Spinal Tap are pretty good ones. Oh, and of COURSE, The Princess Bride!FAVORITE ALBUM: Tommy. (THAT was easy to decide.)GUILTY PLEASURES: 80's hair metal, some chick flicks, adorable puppiesBEST SCHOOL SUBJECT: EnglishWORST SCHOOL SUBJECT: Pfft...Gym, probably.
Midway Chess Club
Midway Chess Club 42 Користувачів
Chicago Area Tournaments
Chicago Area Tournaments 194 Користувачів
Under reconstructions
Under reconstructions 93 Користувачів
-On Target-
-On Target- 9 Користувачів
Black Shield Assassins
Black Shield Assassins 94 Користувачів