
13 чланова
18. 12. 2022.
8 одиграних догађаја

official club of Westminster Christian Academy located in St. Louis Missouri. We have a few rules

1. No spamming

2. This is chess have some Maturity

3. No Nswf

4. No begging for roles if you are active and worthy amongst our community you will be given one. (List below)

5. No hateful comments or Gossip

breaking any of these rules may result in a kick, ban, or mute.


We have clans in multiple other games as well a few examples are Rocket League Clash of Clans Clash Royale and others that I have forgotten by now. Coming soon:War Robots


how to get promoted: Be Active have a relatively high rating for our club don’t have a kick mute or ban ongoing participate in our club events!

my Youtube is Bruhzil so that is why the club is named Bruhzil
